Monday, November 16, 2009


Snazzy Baby Travel Chair Giveaway

November 4, 2009 by Kailani
Filed under 2009 Holiday Gift Guide, children, giveaways

This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to commentor #37: Tracey!

One of the reasons I prefer not to take my kids out to eat when they’re young is the fact that I can’t stand those high chairs and booster seats that the restaurants provides. Half the time the safety straps are broken or the chair is dirty. Not to mention the germs that are crawling all over them. Yuck!

That’s why I was particularly interested in My Baby’s Own Travel Chair from Snazzy Baby.


Your home for the best in innovative baby protection products, Snazzy Baby was created by Australian mom Cyndy Mundy who needed to protect her tot’s tender knees after another day of crawling on the carpet. The award-winning company has impressed online and brick and mortar retailers with snug, soft, 4 layer cushioned oval knee pads made of neoprene and secured with velcro straps and ensuring a comfortable fit. iParenting Media Awards have praised each one of their products as they’ve come to market.


We received My Baby’s Own Travel Chair to review and I was very impressed with how compact it is. Everything comes tucked inside an attached pocket (7″ x 5″) for easy storage and transport. It’s also lightly padded for comfort, light weight, and made from a nylon-type material for easy cleaning.

Setting it up was easy. I just took the back strap and attached it behind the chair. There are also adjustable shoulder and side straps to keep your child safe, secure, and in place.

Kaila is a little too young yet to use this chair since she can’t even hold her head up. So I decided to put Hello Kitty in it just to give you an idea of how the travel chair works. As you can see, HK is pretty secure in there with the shoulder and side straps secured.

However, what I liked best about My Baby’s Own Travel Chair is that when you’re done all you need to do is roll everything up and tuck it inside the attached case. I remember using more bulky high chair/shopping cart covers with my other daughters and it was always a pain to get everything stored when it was time to leave. I would end up just throwing the whole thing into the car and vowed to pack it up properly later. Of course, I never did. In addition, with all the other baby gear that I need to tote along the last thing I need is more bulk.

So, if you’re worried about germs, safety, and portability when dining or shopping with your child, you owe it to yourself to check out My Baby’s Own Travel Chair. It sells for $34.95 from Snazzy Baby.

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This post was written for Snazzy Baby who provided the item for review and giveaway. I was not compensated in any way except for the complimentary product.

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