Monday, November 16, 2009

Kari A Giveaway Addicted Mommy

Snazzy Baby Travel Chair/Knee Pads Giveaway

Posted by Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy | 2:16 PM | Giveaways, Reviews | 197 comments »

When I had Nathan, 2 other family members were having babies so there were always playpens, swings and high chairs at every family gathering. No need to travel with half your house each family gathering. However, this time around (15 years later) we are the only ones with babies so again we need a small trailer to carry all the kids stuff to each event.

Luckily we now have a Snazzy Baby Travel Chair which has made life so much easier! It can turn an ordinary chair into a temporary restraint system so you can feed your child or use it in a shopping cart instead of using those (disgusting) simple and not-so-safe straps some come with. We use it whenever we go to a restaurant or to someone's home & it has made for some much nicer meals since Jake is safe and secure (aka: not running all over the place).

I didn't mention how incredibly light the Travel Chair is. At 7 ounces and super compact, it fits in any diaper bag easily. I have even just thrown it into my purse and it also has a built in strap so you can just throw it over you shoulder as well. I was worried that something so light would not contain my squirmy child but it did a fabulous job. To see it in action Watch TDmonthly Video .

Snazzy Baby also carries Knee Pads for crawlers and early walkers. While I did not have a chance to review these, they did receive an iParenting Media Award (as did the Travel Chair!). The knee pads are ergonomically designed for flexibility and movement without impacting circulation. Most of our house is covered in carpet but I know most of my friends homes are either tile or wood - these would be a must for a little one in those homes.

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