Monday, March 1, 2010


Favorite Things Friday: A Chair, A Dish and Some Trading

It’s Friday, which means it’s Favorite Things day: My opportunity to share some of
my latest Web finds with all of you.(And yes, my readership is actually growing!)
This week it is all about keeping it green. Keira is my very active baby. (A fellow blogger and friend told me not to write what I usually call her since some day she will be able to read.) Anyway, keeping her seated
in a highchair or booster is next-to-impossible, which is why I was very interested in My Baby’s Own Travel Chair. Sure, I am excited that, unlike those big plastic takealong chairs, it’s made out of a fabric that’s free of azo dyes, phthalates or Bisphenol-A, and it’s formaldehyde free. However, I am just as excited that it looks like it will keep her from escaping. (And I’ll actually get to eat a meal.)

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